We believe that 1 satisfied customer brings 100 more customers. So we 100% guarantee that
after buying the project will work according to the given instructions. If it does not work, send us
screenshot of the error, our team will provide you the solution. Even if it does not work, install
remote help software i.e. teamviewer from TeamViewer.com or anydesk from anydesk.com and we will provide remote help to you.
We are providing full support of our e-product, so that
there is no need of returning it back later. We advise all our customers to read full project information before placing an order.
As we are selling an e-product not the real physical product, which can be returned by customer without
utilizing/using/copying it. Due to which we do not accept returns to any order, hence no refund.
If you want to develop a website or any work regarding websites and desktop applications, call us on +91 99250 10051.