introduction of php food ordering system

introduction of php food ordering system

in this system we are going to use PHP and as a backend we are going to use MYSQLI we are going to create this new project food ordering system this is totally dynamic system so if you want to use this system for restaurant then also you can use it and also if you have small food store and you want to use it then also you can use it. basically there are two types of user in this system this system is also known as php food ordering system,simple food ordering system php,online food ordering system project in php,food ordering system using PHP and MYSQLI,food ordering system mini project,online ordering system in php,web development,programming courses,php project tutorial,php project step by step,food order website,food order website with php,how to create a restaurant website,how to create food ordering website,how to create food ordering system,restaurant ordering system,online ordering for restaurants,php,mysql,php tutorial,php tutorial for beginners,php mysql tutorial,amit andipara (1) user (2) admin (Restaurant Owner) user functionalities user can see the all food categories user can see the all food with ingredients user can see the food category wise user can search the foods user can do add to cart / view cart user can do checkout we are going to use 2 types of checkout process cash on delivery and online payment user can pay using paypal user can do edit profile user can so change password user can see their given order user can see their order status user can logout ======================================= admin functionalities admin can login admin can add / edit / delete new category admin can add / edit / delete the ingredients admin can add / edit / delete food admin can see all registered users admin can block user admin can see order admin can update order status admin can generate bills in pdf format admin can logout

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